What it Does

Personal Page

It really is all about you! IdiomConnect™ gives you your own personal page where you can tell your own story and upload your own photos… for LIFE!

Stay CONNECTED using in app social media icons. Friends can sign IdiomConnect™ using a text and a VIDEO signature. IdiomConnect™ continues your story…

Video Memories

Sure, there are school videos on YouTube, but good luck finding them 10 years from now. Video worth watching is right in IdiomConnect™. Every section in IdiomCreate™ gets unlimited video. Unleash the movie director in you and upload videos your classmates will actually be able to find years from now. If there’s no video… it didn’t happen!

Complete year coverage… NO deadlines

Important events like the Prom and Graduation never make it into most end of year publications. Who thinks this is a good idea? We certainly don’t. IdiomConnect™ will celebrate your entire Senior Year, from the first day of class to PROM and GRADUATION Day. Without deadlines, nothing gets left out.

Accessible anytime, anyplace… and never LOST!

Stuff gets lost… stuff gets put into boxes and then never looked at again. IdiomConnect™ is always there right in the cloud where all your other important stuff already is when you want to walk down memory lane.

Future Events

She married who? IdiomConnect™ has a Future Events section that lets you find out! Also find out where your Classmates went to college and what job they have. You’re be able to see cute pictures of the new baby she had with ‘what’s his name’. You’ll be able to watch each other growing older with Reunion photos and videos.

Connected… FOREVER

We think staying connected is so important that we make it part of our name… IdiomConnect™. Right in the App, Classmates can stay connected with each other, with their Teachers, Coaches and Administrators. Schools and Districts can stay connected to students… FOREVER!

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